Trash Chute Cleaning


Most apartment buildings with more than a couple of floors need trash chute cleaning at some point.

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Trash chute before cleaning

This keeps the tenants from having to haul their trash down the stairs or the elevator. No matter how careful people are, eventually someone will spill something and make a mess on the carpet, stairs or somewhere.

And you can imagine what is in those trash bags – everything that is in your refrigerator, baby diapers, etc. So these bags or sometimes the trash without being in a bag, gets thrown down the trash chute.

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Trash chute after cleaning

The trash bags often leak as they go down all the floors of the trash chute before they crash into the dumpster at the bottom. After a few years of all that leaking trash, it starts to build up. Pretty soon, the whole building has a “unique aroma”, to put it mildly.

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Trash chute access doors on each floor

We’ve cleaned a lot of trash and garbage chutes in high rise buildings around Denver. Some of them have been more than thirty stories tall.

Many of these chutes we can clean from the top of the building – if they have rooftop access. If they don’t, we have to go from floor to floor accessing the chute through the trash doors.

So if the trash chute in your building starts to smell on warm days, give us a call the office at 303-937-7181 or email us at


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