Pressure Washing At The Last Minute – Really??

by | Feb 1, 2012 | Grease Spill Cleanup

C’mon People, we can handle the last minute stuff, but that doesn’t make it fun – especially when our pressure wash crews have already worked for 12 hours.

We pride ourselves on being able to respond quickly to emergency spills and other similar jobs.

The Grease Spill Ran All The Way Down The Alley

The Grease Spill Ran All The Way Down The Alley

We know *stuff* happens at unfortunate times and often that *stuff* is a surprise and can’t be controlled.  So we do our best to have a spare truck ready to go at any time to take care of whatever might happen at the last minute that has to be pressure washed right away.

However, when we get a call from someone who’s had a problem for some time but calls us at the last minute, we tend to hesitate.  People who know an inspection is coming and wait until the day before to schedule cleaning up their messy kitchen or greasy heavy equipment or whatever don’t really inspire confidence in us to do business with.

So if you have a mess that needs pressure washed, call us.  TODAY.  Don’t wait till you’re in a position that you have to call us on a Thursday to get it cleaned up on Friday.  Just because we can handle the last minute stuff doesn’t mean it’s fun.  And if our guys have already been on the clock for 12 hours, they’re not too excited about getting more hours that day. We’re flexible, but your best bet to get a pressure washing project done is to give us as much notice as possible.But if you have a legitimate last minute job (crap, the grease trap overflowed into the parking lot two hours before dinner service!) give us a call and we’ll make it our business to get you back in business.

Grease Spill Cleanups At Restaurants Are A Fact Of Life

Grease Spill Cleanups At Restaurants Are A Fact Of Life

Grease spill cleanups at restaurants are a fact of life, no matter how careful people are. Everyone uses grease – in some form – to cook with, whether it's the spray on/no stick variety or large kettles of fryer grease used for french fries and onion rings. At home,...

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Pressure Washing A Grease Trail At A Restaurant

Many restaurants have grease spills that need periodic pressure washing. Food grease goes hand in hand with cooking. Since restaurants do so much more cooking than the typical homeowner, they generate far more food grease. And you can't dump that much food grease down...

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