Graffiti Removal On An Aurora Apartment Building
A property manager in Aurora called us for graffiti removal service on the side of an apartment building.
The graffiti tags were on a blond brick building. You have to use a different process to remove graffiti on brick than you would on metal or glass. It also takes different materials and equipment depending on whether it’s ink or paint.
And you also have to be careful with different kinds of brick. Old brick is usually much softer than new brick and if you’re not careful, you can gouge the surface by using too much pressure. You can’t just blast if off without causing damage, no matter how new the brick is.
Even the color of the paint can make a difference in how the job is done. For example, if you have a tag that was done with black paint on a light surface, there’s a greater chance of a shadow remaining after the graffiti has been removed. A different material is needed to remove the shadow.
Another factor is how long the tag has been there. If the graffiti has been baked in the sun for years, it will usually be more difficult to remove than if it was just done the day before.
But the biggest factor in whether the graffiti removal is successful is whether it has been touched by any different chemicals before we start. Often times the wrong material is used and it only makes things worse.
One of our clients called us after someone used carburetor cleaner on the tags. They assumed that if it was strong enough to dissolve the paint, the graffiti would just be gone. They only made it worse. Not only did the carburetor cleaner make the graffiti soak deeper into the brick, it turned the whole area yellow.
It’s important to understand that if the wrong material is used, it can actually make the paint soak deeper into the surface. This happens more on materials like brick and concrete that are very porous.
If you look closely at brick or any other surface that isn’t smooth, you’ll see large pores. If the material gets into the subsurface, its more difficult to reach and remove.
Unless you’re sure what you’re doing – or don’t really care if the graffiti is completely removed – you should consider calling a professional to do the job. Experience is important in removing graffiti – without damaging the subsurface.
If you need an experienced graffiti removal service that's been in business for 29 years, give us a call at 303-937-7181.
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