7 things graffiti artists don’t want you to know

– is the title of a recent article in the Canadian Real Estate Wealth magazine.


Graffiti (Photo credit: NguyenDai)

It’s not surprising that the article appeared there. It’s been proven that graffiti reduces property values that eventually translate into wealth, which is what their magazine is really about.

Crowd watching graffiti artists, Bucharest, Ro...

Crowd watching graffiti artists, Bucharest, Romania. See Image:Bucharest Graffiti 1.jpg, Image:Bucharest Graffiti 2.jpg, Image:Bucharest Graffiti 3.jpg for pictures of the graffiti artists at work. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They obviously have a graffiti problem in Canada, like we do in the states. It seems to be a worldwide problem – too many young people looking to express themselves without a clue how to do it productively.

The article mentions that graffiti removal can be expensive – which is true. The material and equipment needed to do the job right costs a lot of money.

But its important to remember the cost of not removing the graffiti is even more costly – reduced property values. If you allow your property to look trashy, pretty soon no one will want to live or work there. And your building becomes worthless.

Unless you can come up with a great idea for preventing graffiti in the first place, you need to budget for cleaning it off.

So think of graffiti removal like you do plumbing repairs – just part of building maintenance.


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