Emergency Car Washing At The Denver Auto Show

by | Mar 22, 2013 | Car Washing

We had already washed all the cars at the Denver Auto Show so we were surprised when they called for more car washing.


Flatbed truck washing cars in the parking garage at the Colorado Convention Center

It turns out that there were 15 cars delivered late that they still wanted to get in the show. Our client didn’t know they were coming and was in a little bit of a panic when they called us.

When you’re dealing with shows as big as this – 500 cars from all the manufacturers – the logistics can be challenging. And our client flies around the country to all the different shows making sure the cars look their best.

So when these cars showed up two days late, they had to do whatever was necessary to get them cleaned and inside. We got the call after 10am and all our trucks were already out working on their regular routes for the day.


After tire dressing

But we understood the position our client was in and shuffled things around to get a truck down to take care of them. This is the kind of situation where you have to take care of it – no matter what it takes. We even helped them get the tire dressing on since this was such a rush job.

We have the capacity to take care of emergency situations so we can give our clients the very best service. They call us because they know we’ll take care of them. We make sure we have the equipment to get the job done.

In this case, like other parking garages, you need a flatbed truck or trailer to get inside to do the work. We were able to dispatch one of our regular car washing crews to do this work, but we always have equipment in reserve that our managers can take if it comes to that.

Emergency Car Washing At The Denver Auto Show 03

Before tire dressing

We even had one emergency at a restaurant in the Park Meadows shopping center where a water line burst and mud flowed across the parking lot. One of our managers and the president were the only ones available that day – and they took care of it, recovering the muddy water and getting the restaurant open on time.

Most of our emergency service calls are for grease and oil spills, so we’re ready for that. There aren’t that many calls for emergency car washing. But we do whatever it takes to keep our client’s businesses running smoothly.

If you’re looking for a pressure washing company you can count on, give us a call.

Early Morning Car Washing At Jefferson County Fairgrounds

Every year we do a special car washing at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. While the fairgrounds is best known for rodeos and 4H style events, its also a great place for a car sale. Stevinson Automotive has their annual Wild West Sale at the fairgrounds. They move...

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