Our guarantee isn’t just words.

No company is perfect and occasionally we screw up – royally!

On of our crews went out to wash a house for Pam & Curt Schock. They had just purchased the home and wanted it cleaned up before they moved in. But it had been vacant for a while and when our crew arrived, they found a bunch of wasp nests along the top of the house under the eaves.

They had a ladder with them but they didn’t want to get too close to the nests. So they used a straight tip instead of a fan tip to blast the nests off.

Schock House Damage From Dodging Wasps

Schock House Damage From Dodging Wasps

Unfortunately, the wasps weren’t too happy about their nests being blown apart and they came after one of our guys. He tried to defend himself with the power wash gun in his hand – (like he was actually going to hit them with the water like Wyatt Earp or something). But he didn’t think about the straight tip and what it would do to the garage door behind.

He cut some lines in the garage door and a couple of other places. Since the house was stained, we couldn’t just paint over it.  We called a professional painter to come out and stain the garage door and blend it in with the rest of the house.

So this $225 job cost us $700. We could have tried to weasel out of it and just give them their money back. But that’s not what our guarantee is about. When we say we stand behind our work we mean it.

Isn’t that what guarantee means?

Click to go to our Endorsement Letter page to see the letter the Schock’s wrote us about the way we handled it.

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