National Magazine Features Wash On Wheels
The February 2012 issue of Cleaner Times, The Journal for High Pressure Water Applications, featured an interview with Joel Shorey, President of Wash On Wheels.
The article, Environmental Regulations Demand Adherence, Pressure Washers Must Take OSHA/EPA Rules Seriously, was written by April Hirsch. (The pictures in the article are of one of our crews.) The magazine called us a few months back regarding the article because of our company’s strong stand on following the regulations. We go out of our way to work with the inspectors and make sure we’re doing what they need.
We see too many small pressure washing companies trying to avoid inspectors so they don’t have to spend the time or money to do things the right way. This usually has to do with water recovery and the permits and equipment to do it properly. We often see small pressure washing companies doing things they shouldn’t – like the one we saw washing a gas station and letting the wash water run down the gutter!
Most people are unaware that its illegal to let the dirty water get to the storm sewer. We’ve heard of some people getting tickets for washing their car in the driveway and letting the soapy water run down the gutter.
It takes time and money to recover the waste water and dispose of it properly but it’s the right way to do the job. And the EPA raised the bar on water recovery in February, 2010, when they published the Clean Water Action Plan which contains new stormwater regulations.
Part of running a business is being aware of the regulations that affect you. Too many part time pressure washing businesses aren’t run like a real business. And they’re actions can make our whole industry look unprofessional.
Besides water recovery issues, we’ve heard of little companies calling their employees “independent contractors” to avoid paying taxes or having the correct insurance. And they avoid filing the MSDS (material safety data sheet) of all their soaps and chemicals and a site plan of where they’re located with the fire department. Little guys who work out of their garage don’t do this – and their neighbors’ health could be at risk if there was a fire.
Our clients count on us to do the job right. Whether it’s water recovery, working with inspectors, legal issues, or environmental issues, they know we put their interests first. That level of service is what keeps our business growing even in today’s economy.
Since the Cleaner Times online issue is in a format that doesn’t allow a direct link to the article, the editor – Jim McMurry – furnished us a PDF file of the article. It’s a large file, 7.5mb, but you can see it here.
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