Pressure Washing To Brighten An Aluminum Trailer

by | Mar 11, 2013 | Specialty Cleaning Jobs

We recently brightened an aluminum horse trailer for Serenity Springs Wildlife Center.

tiger and cubThey’re a non-profit organization in southern Colorado that takes care of more than 120 big cats – lions, tigers, leopards, etc.

They bought this aluminum trailer at an auction and it was pretty oxidized. They wanted us to do some pressure washing to bring back a little of the shine.

But brightening aluminum takes more than just pressure washing. Since we also do detailing on large trucks and trailers, we’ve done this many times before. To get the job done right, you have to know which materials to use – and how to use them.

Pressure washing takes more than using a pressure washer to blast things clean. That’s a recipe for how to ruin things.

There are many different soaps, degreasers, and brighteners. You have to know the correct one to use in each different situation, whether you’re working on aluminum, steel, brick or concrete.

Pressure Washing To Brighten An Aluminum Trailer 14

Before and after brightening – bottom is done and top is not

And you have to know how to use them. Many materials can damage the surface if they’re mixed too strong or left on too long. Sometimes you use one material for the rough cleaning and another one to finish up.

And many aluminum surfaces – like the wheels on tractor-trailers – are polished. If you use the wrong material on these, you’ll ruin the polished surface.

Professional pressure washing takes far more knowledge of materials and techniques than most people realize. Make sure the company you call has the experience to do the job right – the first time.

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