Pressure Washing Concrete Splatter From a Car
Many of our one-time pressure washing jobs are the result of other companies making mistakes. It’s part of life and for us, part of the job.
One of our recent jobs was cleaning concrete splatters off a car. The car had been parked next to an area where concrete repairs were done. Apparently the concrete company can normally do this work without issues, but something happened this time to splatter concrete on the side, hood and windows of a car.
The concrete company was concerned about scratching the car in the process of removing the splatters and were worried that no matter what, they might have to pay to have the whole car repainted. We were able to dissolve the concrete with a special material and pressure wash the residue away, leaving the paint and glass in perfect condition.
Fixing mistakes like this one can be costly. But in this case we were able to fix the mistake for a few hundred dollars rather than the $1000’s the concrete company thought they were going to have to spend. Sometimes there are more cost effective ways to get the job done and when there are, we let our customers know.
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Pressure Washing A Mammography Van For St. Joseph’s Breast Care Center
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Pressure Washing An RV Roof
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