Car Washing For A New Dealer – Working Out The Bugs!

by | Feb 17, 2012 | Car Washing

Denver car dealers have some options for their car washing.

Some of them have a small wash truck set up for their lot techs to use. Some of the smaller lots just have a small machine with a long hose.  Most car dealerships keep their cars clean by using a mobile pressure washing service like Wash On Wheels.

Car Washing For Car Dealers

Car Washing For Car Dealers

Wash On Wheels car washing services thousands of cars each week.  We’ve had some dealers switch to using their own equipment and lot techs and we’ve picked up some dealers that realized they save money by using an outside service like ours to take care of their car washing.

We recently had a dealership go back and forth.  They were doing their own car washing, but their inventory had grown enough their one lot tech couldn’t keep up.  So they called us to do their car washing for them.  We washed their cars a few times over the course of a couple weeks. Then the owner decided he didn’t want us to use their water without thinking about what a tiny amount of money it was.

Our trucks carry 300-500 gallons of water, but that isn’t enough to wash cars all day long.  So, our crews hook up to water everywhere they go to keep their tanks topped off.  This way they only take as much water as they use at each location.  This particular customer thought our car washing was costing him too much money by hooking up to his water.

Our car washing procedure uses less than two gallons of water per car!

Most water districts charge around $10 per 1000 gallons.  So even if we fill our tanks on a lot – which only happens on the biggest car dealerships – we’re using less than $5.00 worth of water.  This little lot might have spent an extra $1-$2 for their entire lot.

So, even though we explained this to the owner, he chose to hire another lot tech to help with his car washing.  Unfortunately for small dealerships, it’s hard to justify a full time lot tech.  Not only this, but purchasing and maintaining pressure washing equipment can be expensive for someone who doesn’t have the connections and buying power we do.  If a dealership can’t justify the expense of a lot tech without washing their cars, its usually not cost effective to hire a guy just to wash them.

The guy this dealer hired didn’t work out because they couldn’t give him enough hours.  After a few weeks of dirty cars and no new solutions, they called us back.  We made sure they understood the necessity for us to connect to their water and the minimal additional cost associated with it.  Now they have clean cars every week without worrying whether their lot tech will show up and do a good job.

Emergency Car Washing At The Denver Auto Show

We had already washed all the cars at the Denver Auto Show so we were surprised when they called for more car washing. It turns out that there were 15 cars delivered late that they still wanted to get in the show. Our client didn't know they were coming and was in a...

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