Special Trailer Washing Service For FedEx Freight

by | May 14, 2012 | Truck Washing

FedEx Freight called us for special trailer washing service in addition to the regular service we provide.


Hundreds Of Trailers At Denver Location

Hundreds Of Trailers At Denver Location

Once per year they try to get a trailer wash on all the thousands of units they have running around the country. Our regular truck and trailer washing service takes care of the 300 or so trucks and trailers that are based in Denver.

Clean And Dirty Trailers At FedEx Freight

Clean And Dirty Trailers At FedEx Freight

But the OTR (over the road) trailers that aren’t assigned to one location fly under the radar. And at the end of the winter, after they’ve logged a few thousand miles traveling through snow and ice, mud and rain, and some road salt and magnesium chloride thrown in, they can be pretty grimy.

So FedEx tries to wash all the trailers as they travel through all their hubs around the country and get the local truck and trailer washing service to clean them up. This year, they had us wash an extra 100 trailers in addition to the ones we normally wash.

Dirty Trailer Before Washing

Dirty Trailer Before Washing

There are thousands upon thousand of trailers scattered around the country for all the different freight companies. Trying to schedule them all in for service and cleaning is a huge logistical challenge for every company.

Trailer Washing For Winter Grime

Trailer Washing For Winter Grime

Trying to wash all the trailers around the country during the same few weeks is a good idea. But there will always be those trucks and trailers that are on the road between locations that get missed.

They’ll probably have a few extra trailers to be washed over the next few weeks as the ones that got skipped come through their terminals. So we make ourselves available for extra truck and trailer washing services when they come up.

Taking care of the special needs of our clients – no matter what it takes – is why companies like FedEx call us in the first place. Large corporations have enough things to think about.

Having a truck and trailer washing service they can count on is just one less thing for them to worry about.

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