Pressure Washing A Concrete Spill At a New Home

by | Jan 25, 2012 | Construction Cleanup

Most building material supply companies call us to pressure wash when a hydraulic hose breaks on one of their trucks during a delivery and they leave a large hydraulic spill on a customer’s street or driveway.  We recently had a change of pace when one of our clients that does concrete had an accident between their truck and the pumper truck.

Construction Pressure Washing At A New Retirement Home

Construction Pressure Washing At A New Retirement Home

Unfortunately, the day the concrete spill happened was just after a snow storm.  The day was nice, but the ground was covered with snow and ice.  There was no way to clean up the mess until it all melted, so they waited until it looked like it was going to clear up before they called to set up pressure washing with us.

Fortunately, because the spilled concrete stayed wet from all the thawing snow and ice, it never had a chance to harden and was fairly easy to pressure wash.  When our truck showed up there was still some ice on the area that needed to be cleaned, so they had to shovel the area clear of ice before starting to wash.  They also had to clear an area to set up water recovery.  It was important in this situation to recover the wash water, even if it wasn’t going to reach a storm drain, because they didn’t want the concrete in the wash water running down the street and drying out, leaving a concrete haze everywhere.

We were able to show up right when our customer needed and take care of a mess without creating a bigger mess.  And because the concrete company worked with us on how to handle the situation, they were able to avoid a bigger, more expensive situation by working with us to get the job done right the first time.

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